The Gay Life of a Country Boy

How are you with your personal fiances? Maybe a workbook would help you overcome worries.

As I grow older and get closer to those retirement years, I find myself thinking about money more and more as the years pass by. I’m only 46, but these days, you are never too young to start thinking about retirement. With the government the way it is, you never know how safe Social Security is going to be. One party wants it to stay and grow and the other party wants it gone so they don’t have to worry about it. You can never let others care more about your life than you care about the welfare of your own.

I am by far a financial advisor. I do hold an associates degree in Accounting, but we all know that these days, having an associates degree is pretty much telling others that you could be a great secretary or bookkeeper. With that knowledge, however, I can say that I understand money on a personal basis. I may not be taking care of the books for a large corporation, but I am taking taking care of my own, trying to also help with my husbands, and I am the treasurer of a 501(c)(3) organization with a few thousand dollars in the bank.

If others saw my personal financial spreadsheet, they would probably say I’ve gone as far as being anal retentive. I can see that. I would argue that I may be that, but I know where every cent has gone. In my workbook, I have a sheet for my personal income/expenses, one for household bills, one for loan amounts, one for savings accounts, and one for pay totals so that I’m not caught off guard when it comes tax time. Because I’m an Excel geek, I have an overview sheet with formulas so that I can open the workbook and get a quick look at where I am. I still worry about finances, but at least I can use this workbook to judge where I need to slow down or what purchases I can hold off making.

Not only do I have a workbook to keep up with the flow of money, I also use the Quicken app on my MacBook Air. It has really helped me with projections and overall investment health. I have a Roth IRA and a CD with Vanguard and I have a 401k account through work with Merrill Lynch. I have to say that I am doing OK with both. I have stocks with various companies that keep my Roth IRA looking good. I never thought I would be here when I was younger.

We have nearly completed half of 2024 and I am happy with where I’m sitting. I wish it was better, but at least I can see a light at the end of the tunnel….and I don’t hear train whistles. Now, to only get through the year without my car crapping out or other emergencies popping up.

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

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