Do you keep a dream journal? It’s quite fascinating to keep a journal of the movies our brains decide to show us while we’re sleeping. I’ve kept one for the past couple years and I love to go back and read my entires. Some of them are nice dreams. Some dreams are kinda terrible when I think about them. And other dreams…well, the only thing you can do is lie there and say, “What the hell did I just see and what’s wrong with my brain?”
I will never forget the dream I had the night before I could look at myself and say the word “gay” to describe me. That was really a WTF moment in my life and also a dream that made me shoot up in bed, scream crying and wondering if I would be able to go back to sleep. There was a church, a funeral, family, dead people in pews sitting up, a bright light, and dead people walking from the cemetery toward the church that I knew were buried over there. It ended crazily and weirdly, it ended a few months of deep depression. Funny how that happens.
An example of one of those dreams would be this:
April 12, 2021
I was in India and there was a weird bread oven where the dough was placed on humps along the outside of the oven. We were beating the dough with sticks…some small and some thicker. A house blew up and the lady that I was with was being blamed for the “bombing.” Woke up.
Why would I dream that I was in India baking bread and beating it with sticks? Is this a thing that really happens and my brain just wanted to throw it at me? Or how about this:
December 23, 2021
The dream started with me in a city. I was at a restaurant and buildings started falling. I think they were being imploded. There were explosions, but there was something wrong. It seemed that the buildings coming down were not the buildings that were supposed to be falling. Switch to being at The River’s Edge. I was in a group of guys sitting in the white plastic chairs and we are all laughing. It starts to get dark and I want to be closer to the other guys. I start to move my chair and one of the legs breaks. I remember the sky looking a little strange. As I am continuing to talk to the guys, I notice that the moon looks large, but that it has a weird color. It obviously moves a bit in its orbit and then fire starts to be seen before it explodes. We are all shocked and can’t believe that the moon would explode. We all start screaming when our feet come off the ground when Earth losses gravity. Woke up.
This isn’t the first time I’ve had dreams about the end of the world. Just like the one in college about dead people coming back to life, I also had dreams about the moon exploding and people floating off the Earth because of no gravity. There’s something about the end of the world that my brain gets my brain going.
May 7, 2023
I dreamed that me and two others robbed a bank. It felt like we knew the two women well that was over the branch. We broke into the bank and the first thing I did was yank the cord attached to the video monitor for the security cams. It crashed to the floor. Then went to the safe where I opened the door. What we ended up stealing wasn’t money but free Colgate toothpaste coupons. We ran out of the bank and left. What happens next is kinda hazy. I guess at some point we went back. Either that or we were somewhere the two ladies were also. Anyway, we were on golf carts. They shouted to us and we all took off on a golf cart chase. I woke up.
There’s nothing quite like breaking into a bank to steal Colgate toothpaste coupons and then joyriding on golf carts. The last one I will share really confused me…to the point where I was in a daze the following day and talked to the other half about moving to Houston, TX.
December 14, 2024
It was a Christmas party held at the Chancellor mansion from The Young and the Restless. Everything is decorated and everyone is having a fun time. I talk to Katherine off and on and she’s very loving and happy. For some reason, there’s a shopping cart. WTF is there a shopping cart in the Chancellor mansion at Christmas? Everyone is called into the living room and I push the cart into a corner out of the way. We get into a circle and I end up next to Katherine. There’s a female in my left that I can’t place. Katherine tells everyone that she’s so happy we are there and we all cheer. There’s lots of joy in this room…a deep feeling of joy. After she tells everyone to have a great evening, people start to leave or go upstairs. I start begin to talk to Katherine. She’s very loving and hugs me. We kiss each other in the cheek and she tells me that she wants to move someone to Houston. She’s wanted to move someone there because she loves it so much. And then she says that I should be the one to go. I’m floored that she wants to sent me there, but then she says she’d be buying the house. I immediately think of Tommy and work. I then woke up.
I’m sure that 2025 will bring about a couple more dreams to enter into the dream diary. Maybe some day, I can get someone that knows how to interpret dreams to look at them and tell me how crazy I am or that my past self is trying to tell me something.