The Gay Life of a Country Boy

About the Gay Country Boy

Hello! I’m The Gay Country Boy. I’ve been around for quite a few years in the gay podcasting arena but haven’t recorded an episode in quite a long time. I had a podcast called The Gay Life of a Country Boy from 2009 till 2021. During COVID, I wasn’t in the mood to record anything and I was in a relationship where I felt like I wasn’t allowed or urged to be creative. The spark was gone and so instead of paying for hosting on a site I rarely updated, I removed it from the web with all 141 episodes of the podcast.

On Amtrak to New Orleans

I have started my podcast again and it can be found on Apple Podcasts by looking up The Gay Life of a Country Boy. When I feel I have too many things piled on me, I start to feel as if I’m drowning and that never leads to a positive outcome. Therefore, if a new podcast doesn’t come out for a bit, just hold your taters. I’ll get another one out in a bit.

Let’s see…I’m a crocheter. I love to do it when I need to calm my senses and clear some junk out of my brain. It’s a wonderful tool for peacefulness. You may think that it’s all counting and undoing knots, but actually, the more you do it, the more you find that your brain just does it. Your hands are moving and things are getting created.

As a middle aged man, I’ve found that I’ve left the party scene in the past. I’m not a homebody, but I do prefer to hang around with local friends, cook, and go to the lake rather than go into the city to clubs. The “life” has changed and the scene doesn’t feel as welcoming as it once did. Maybe that’s just growing up. I’ll accept that.

So you may wonder why I have a site again. I need a place to write. I need place to be creative. I need a place to feel like I’m still out there on the internet. Weird, sure, but it’s a need and I can do it.