The Gay Life of a Country Boy

Hobbies can be the best way to relieve stress and avoid problematic confrontations

Basket of gray yarn
Yarn comes in many different colors that will fit your personality and capabilities.

Among my various interests is crocheting. It’s my way of being creative with my hands. Blogging is one thing, but I don’t see that as something needing my hands. That’s more mental than anything. WordPress has already taken care of the programming and designing. All I have to do is the typing. I need to find a way to get out there to people that might actually give two shits what I might have to say. That’s another story!

I have created some nice things with yarn. I have a blanket that we love to lie under on the couch. Some might say that I cheated making it since I made it on a loom. Eh, it was easier. I do not knit. I am doing great with one needle and one brain. I’ve attempted knitting in the past. I am not a knitter as my one brain has a hard time messing with two needles.

Years ago, I started the blanket on the loom but I also started another blanket with the same yarn on a set of circular needles. I took it home to my parents’ house in Alabama and decided it was a good time to work on it while watching television. It never fails that when I am at their house, the news comes on. Needless to say, I do not hold the same beliefs as them. This was also during the horrible time when Roy Moore was running for senator of Alabama to replace Jeff Sessions. My dad started talking about the scandal he was wrapped up in and before long, I had made so many back and forth rows on that large blanket. It was like fuel for my brain to move my hands.

I should say that yarn work acts as a non-medical calming agent. I would say that a large number of arguments have been avoided simply by crocheting. If looking at my collection of blankets, one would think I’m always in an arguing situation. I wouldn’t say that. I would just say that if I have my crochet hook moving, my brain is less likely to respond to stimulation around me. Go ahead and talk about the stupid person you’re going to vote for in the next election. Go ahead and talk about that crack head you think is the most wonderful, godly creation in the city. Oh look…here’s a hat, a scarf, and a set of mittens!

My latest creation is this throw. I’m very happy how it turned out. I wanted to make it larger, but I ran out of some colors. I was going to do one or two rounds of the colors used in the blanket and then do another round of black. I guess you could say that I used scraps from other projects. If anyone wants to make this, it’s rather simple. It’s the same idea as a granny square except only the top and side of the square is done on each round and then when ready, make complete rounds as you would with a granny square to create a border. I started it last year and then sat it down. I picked it back up months later and thankfully finished it.

I’m thinking my next project will be something that can be worn. Maybe not for me but someone I can give it to. A cardigan? That’s something I think I could conquer. I have a pattern and it looks to be simple enough I can follow. It will be one of the few patterns I’ve actually followed. The blanket above came totally from my head. We’ll see what happens and I’ll have something to write about later.

Top photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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